Wednesday, August 8, 2012

July in Review

I am way behind on posting so the last 2 months are being summarized mostly in pictures. Here we go for July 2012.

I took my son camping. We went for a hike that evening and it got dark on us. Luckily we had some lights with us. Unfortunately they weren't very bright.

 The next morning we went up the windcave trail again.


We had to check out this cave on the way back down.

There's a rattlesnake in the crevice. My first sighting in "the wild"

 I had a business trip to Indianapolis, Richmond, and Orlando. These are from my humid, muggy run in Orlando.

 Later, I ran the Crimson Trail...

Got a sweet raspberry on my nose and above my eye from a fall. It was even worse looking the next day.
 I took my nephew for his longest run so far. We went up Ben Lomond and over to Willard Peak.

Starting up the "hill"

Are we there yet? Why are you taking pictures?

The goal

Porter on Ben Lomond

Me on Ben Lomond

The summit log on Ben Lomond.
There's a mountain goat up on the cliffs looking at us.

goats grazing

The view of Ben Lomond from my parents' house.
 We went to Alpine, WY to go rafting. I snuck out for a couple of attempted runs in bear country.

Did I mention I got thrown out of the raft on Big Kahuna on our way down the snake river? We did 4 runs over 2 days. I fell out 1 time the first run down on the biggest rapid before they told me what I should be doing.
First Run
First Run
2nd Run
3rd Run
3rd Run